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Help HeHop

Supporting HeHop means giving us the means to continue to develop our technological solution and make it evolve to meet the needs of victims, witnesses and the various actors involved in legal proceedings in the most appropriate way.

HeHop is an association established by law in 1901 whose mission is to fight violence against individuals in the private, professional and public spheres.

The donation in Euros to the HeHop association entitles French tax resident to a tax reduction (66% private individual, 60% organisation) because it meets the general conditions provided for in Articles 200, 238 bis of the General Tax Code.

Each 20 € donation or equivalent in cryptocurrencies means:

  1. 5 minutes of videos
  2. 120 minutes of audio
  3. 50 photos

of Blockchain recording and storage in a digital safety box.

Each of these elements, by becoming evidence, can make a difference in legal proceedings.